Desperate for a Touch of Hope?

Jesus life and ministry foils everything that we know. Where there is darkness he brings light. Where there is death he brings life. Where there is fear he brings peace. Where there is contempt he brings compassion. We could go on and on. Mark 5:21-43 vividly continue this theme (click on the link and read READ MORE

An Others-Centered Life

Throughout the Bible we are charged with the mandate to serve those around us. Thus, the Apostle Paul says in Galatians 5:13, “through love, serve one another.” The Apostle Peter tells us that “each has received a gift” and that we must “use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” READ MORE

Prayer in a Desolate Place

Jesus’ early-morning trek to an out-of -the-way spot so that he might talk with his heavenly Father offers some important lessons regarding both prayer and purpose. Consider the passage, as revealed in Mark 1:35-39: And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, READ MORE

Continuing “Jesus, God’s Beloved Son”

Here at Bethel Church we are in the midst of an in-depth study through the Gospel of Mark entitled Church on the Edge: The Book of Mark. Because of the in-depth nature and length of our time in Mark, it has been broken into a handful of smaller segments or sub-series. The first segment or READ MORE

Good News of God

Here are a couple of important questions for you to answer. First, do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with an internal darkness that leaves you frightened, worried, empty, and convinced you must live the most obscure and alone life anybody has ever experienced? The second question is this: if Jesus were to speak to you, READ MORE

A Cry in the Wilderness

The wilderness is a place of desolation, deprivation and despair. Here the harsh voices within our souls scream bloody murder, taunting us, pointing out our foolishness, our shame, our sins, questioning who we really are and why we are so lonely. The vulnerability of the wilderness plays on our deepest fears and leaves us wallowing READ MORE