A Prophetic Plea for Deep Compassion

The observant person knows there is a great deal of pain across our land. The deaths of a number of African-American men and women at the hands of police officers, regardless of the respective circumstances, have exposed a deep wound within the souls of our African-American friends. It is noteworthy that for many in the African-American community this is READ MORE

Thanksgiving Rabbit

As if the fact that God has redeemed a stiff-necked sinner like me isn’t enough to demonstrate his grace and power, I need look no further than a boy named Kirby. Lost on the streets of Dallas, no home, hungry, and all alone, what happened to Kirby is a portrayal of grace, much like David’s READ MORE

Good-bye Dallas!

But God has proven faithful. He sustained us in surprising ways by means of loving people, unexpected gifts, His marvelous Love Letter called the Bible, and even chaotic events such as successive blizzards and a record-breaking flood. READ MORE

One Awful Day

Thankfully it is from the likes of General Norman Schwarzkoph that I find myself having permission to cry uncontrollably if needed. When asked years ago by Barbara Walters how it was that the great general would cry when talking about his troops he, with star-bedecked shoulders and stout chest declared, “I am scared of a READ MORE

Uffdah . . . It’s a Blizzard!

My first real blizzard . . . and . . . a Texas boy having to make the call on whether to cancel church in Fargo. Something just isn’t right about that. But . . . after hearing the good but mixed counsel of some faithful friends the decision was made: Stay Home! Whew! Thankfully, READ MORE