Congratulations, Dallas Seminary!

One of the rich privileges that has defined my whole life is being a student at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. I graduated with my Master of Theology in 1995, and then with my Doctor of Ministry in 2007. This year Dallas Seminary celebrates is 90th anniversary! They asked me if I would contribute READ MORE

When Floods Come

Yesterday, March 28, 2014, marked the fifth anniversary of the crest of the record-smashing Red River Valley Flood. Our home, located as it is in the Oakport Township just north of Moorhead, Minnesota, and Fargo, North Dakota, was right in the middle of one of the “ground zeroes” that were randomly scattered  up and down READ MORE

Tribute to “Prof”

“Prof” introduced me to the finer art of hermeneutics. For years my family has echoed the mantra: “Observation is the key to interpretation.” My first real introduction to Bible study methodology came from Prof. One of the greatest insights I have ever gleaned regarding managing my devotional life with my precious Christa came from Prof. READ MORE

A Prayer for President Obama

On this the public inauguration day for President Obama’s second term, I offer the following prayer: Our Heavenly Father, I earnestly pray for our president. I believe the words of Romans 13:1 which declare, “For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” I believe that you READ MORE

Sandy Hook Elementary and the Tower of Siloam

A dark night has come and gone since the horrid massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary. My own numbness continues, as I am sure does yours. I cannot help but note the weird irony that yesterday morning, early, I posted on my Facebook page how overwhelmed I am that my own precious girls are no longer READ MORE

Remembering 9/11

In the language of the ancient Hebrews there is a word that invites all who hear it to intentionally, sensitively and with a sense of sacredness memorialize some moment or event or person that is worthy of recollection. It is the word zakar, and it is a word that has been on my mind a READ MORE