How I Go to Worship

I wear on my wrist a little black band that says One With Them. It’s in the shape of barbed wire, and evokes the tragic image of Christians imprisoned the world-over for their faith in Jesus Christ. It reminds me to pray for them. It reminds me to remember them. It reminds me to not READ MORE

What My Eyes Long For: A Reprise

For the past few months I have deeply embedded myself within the pages of Psalm 119. I love what I’m reading. For too many years I have zipped through it, typically striving to get the Bible read in a year, thereby really flying over some pieces so quickly that I never truly survey what is READ MORE

Summer At Home

As part of Bethel Church‘s @Home initiative we’re highlighting ways that we can pursue fruitful disciplemaking opportunities on the homefront throughout the summer. Keeping in mind the admonition of Deuteronomy 6:7, which says, “You shall teach [God’s commands] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when READ MORE

Manage the Moment or Build the Individual. You Choose.

There are two ways of influencing a situation that tend to dominate the leadership landscape. One is to manage the moment. This is when the person in authority recognizes the need for change and pursues a safer course toward transformation, putting into motion the manipulation of tasks or systems or behavior for an immediate effect. In READ MORE

Pat Robertson Has Lost His Mind

I was absolutely stunned to read Pat Robertson’s supposedly sagacious counsel that a person should feel free to divorce a spouse who has Alzheimer’s Disease. His argument goes along these lines: if your mate has Alzheimer’s and therefore is utterly incapable of relating to you anymore, then your mate is essentially dead and thus you READ MORE

Remembering 9/11

In the language of the ancient Hebrews there is a word that invites all who hear it to intentionally, sensitively and with a sense of sacredness memorialize some moment or event or person that is worthy of recollection. It is the word zakar, and it is a word that has been on my mind a READ MORE