Where We’re Going

Occasionally I’ll post an update on where we’re going at Bethel Church with our weekend messages. We’ve just finished a flurry of series, including this past spring’s Crazy Sex: Embracing God’s Best in a World Gone Crazy; this summer’s Old Guys Rule and Live, Love & Lead Like Christ; and our most recent series through the Book READ MORE

Old Guys Rule: John and the Legacy that Won’t Quit

One of the most influential “old guys” of the Scriptures is the Apostle John, a man who was staying strong for the reputation of Jesus even in his nineties. The man simply wouldn’t stop! We know him primarily as the young disciple who, with his brother James, followed Jesus from the Sea of Galilee to no READ MORE

Old Guys Rule: Anna and the King

There are only three verses recording her story, and yet within the broad expanse of God’s written Word, Anna leaps out as a compelling, winsome and remarkable woman seasoned by life and her Lord. Take in the whole of her story, as recorded in Luke 2:36-38: And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of READ MORE

Old Guys Rule: Caleb and the Life That Doesn’t Quit

One of the most unsung heroes of the Bible narrative is a man named Caleb. Fierce in his resolve, filled with passion for the things of God, Caleb was a man determined to live earnestly for the Master until his dying breath. Joshua 14:6 and following tells a large part of Caleb’s story. Eighty-five years READ MORE

Old Guys Rule: Abraham and the Life of Faith

My friend and theologian/pastor Cornelius Olowala, a Nigerian man who for many years was the president of the Evangelical Church of West Africa, a multimillion member evangelical denomination, once offered a striking commentary on America that I have not gotten over. “In Africa,” he said, “our older people are revered while in America they are READ MORE