Continuing “Jesus, God’s Beloved Son”

Here at Bethel Church we are in the midst of an in-depth study through the Gospel of Mark entitled Church on the Edge: The Book of Mark. Because of the in-depth nature and length of our time in Mark, it has been broken into a handful of smaller segments or sub-series. The first segment or READ MORE

The Holy One of God

It is not just a mere man who has come to bring light into the darkness, to meet us in the wilderness, to rescue us from bonds of evil, and erase our shame. Consider the following passage from Mark 1:21-28 for proof: And they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath he entered the READ MORE

Your Spiritual Journey

Jesus’ movement to the Sea of Galilee was not mere happenstance, and it was much more than simply finding friends with whom to hang out. Indeed, Jesus put into motion not only an eternal mission for humankind, but the template for a very personal journey that every man and woman who is willing should and READ MORE

Good News of God

Here are a couple of important questions for you to answer. First, do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with an internal darkness that leaves you frightened, worried, empty, and convinced you must live the most obscure and alone life anybody has ever experienced? The second question is this: if Jesus were to speak to you, READ MORE

Reflections Regarding Temptation

As soon as the Voice from Heaven offered its amazing affirmation that Jesus was the “beloved Son” and that in him the Father was “well pleased” (see Mark 1:11), we might expect that trumpets should blare and crowds to be jubilant. And being that we who associate with Christ Jesus likewise share in these precious affirmations (being loved READ MORE

A Call to Fight

One of the primary features of the Gospel of Mark is the reality that beyond the scope of time and space there is a spiritual realm that is very real and very active. Indeed, one can make the case that before the public truly acknowledged Jesus as unique, forces from the realm beyond time and READ MORE