On Noble Things Men Stand

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is one of my most beloved heroes. A German pastor and professor who gave his life to the cause of opposing Hitler and the Nazi regime, his legacy is vast. On April 6, 1943, Bonhoeffer was arrested by the Gestapo, largely due to his efforts to rescue Jewish friends and family and help READ MORE

Kings & Princes: A Bold Call to Manhood

Our world is starving for real men to step up and lead. Not empty-suits, vacant behind the eyes and the ties. Not passive fools whose life ambition is to be nothing more than the sex-starved, beer-crazed baffoons in the average commercial or sitcom. Not the guys who spend their time feeling sorry for themselves and READ MORE

Manage the Moment or Build the Individual. You Choose.

There are two ways of influencing a situation that tend to dominate the leadership landscape. One is to manage the moment. This is when the person in authority recognizes the need for change and pursues a safer course toward transformation, putting into motion the manipulation of tasks or systems or behavior for an immediate effect. In READ MORE

Three Top Needs for Any Pastor

An acquaintance of mine just asked a group of friends and me how to encourage and mentor a young pastor experiencing tremendous growth in his church. He had wisely sought out my acquaintance for mentoring and accountability, and this man then asked us for pieces of experience that he could pass along to this young READ MORE

Trust is Everything

Trust is everything. When trust exists between people, within families or organizations, large or small, there is significant room for both empowerment and failure, unity and general well-being. However, when trust is not present, there exists at least a profound measure of insecurity and at most the dehumanization of the those involved. Everything is in READ MORE

Five Signs Regarding Church Health

Bethel Church just held its annual meeting yesterday evening, and it was a great time, though just a hair longer than normal. Really. It was an excellent evening. The Bethel Church family is united and eager to step still further into the purposes that our Father has for us as followers of Jesus Christ. Frankly, READ MORE