Can You Lose Your Salvation?

Nearly every day through social media I get questions from people regarding all kinds of real life issues–things burning in their hearts and minds relating to our deepest spiritual hungers and fears and so forth. One of the latest questions was put forward very humbly and simply by a precious friend living far away: Can READ MORE

Four Simple Reflections on Worship

This past weekend I had a chance to welcome guests to Bethel Church’s Valley Worship Arts Conference. Pastor Andy Kvernen, one of my ministry partners and Bethel’s marvelous worship pastor, had asked me to take a few moments and share some thoughts on the impact of worship on the local church. Much could be shared, READ MORE

“With You I Am Well Pleased”

When was the last time you really, truly felt loved and appreciated? Like you were special? That someone, anyone, really delighted in . . . well . . . you? The ancient Israelites wrestled with these questions. They felt forgotten. Abandoned. Lost and desperate. Isaiah 63:19 gives a hint of this, at which place their READ MORE

Unpardonable Sin

The writer Mark records the situation as follows: And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “by the prince of demons he casts out the demons.” And he called them to him and said to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom READ MORE

A Prayer for President Obama

On this the public inauguration day for President Obama’s second term, I offer the following prayer: Our Heavenly Father, I earnestly pray for our president. I believe the words of Romans 13:1 which declare, “For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” I believe that you READ MORE

Reflections Regarding Temptation

As soon as the Voice from Heaven offered its amazing affirmation that Jesus was the “beloved Son” and that in him the Father was “well pleased” (see Mark 1:11), we might expect that trumpets should blare and crowds to be jubilant. And being that we who associate with Christ Jesus likewise share in these precious affirmations (being loved READ MORE