Nearly every day through social media I get questions from people regarding all kinds of real life issues–things burning in their hearts and minds relating to our deepest spiritual hungers and fears and so forth. One of the latest questions was put forward very humbly and simply by a precious friend living far away: Can you lose your salvation?
I sought to be equally simple in my response. Not simplistic, but just simple; helpful. Here is what I offered, for your consumption:
Thank you for reaching out. The answer, as clearly as I can state it, is, “No.”
Many passages of Scripture affirm this, but perhaps this one will suffice for now. It is Ephesians 1:11-14. Take a moment and read it. The language of being “sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” is the language of a king taking his royal signet ring off his finger and mashing the seal on the ring into soft clay affixed to a royal decree, making the decree binding and irrevocable. I love that. It tells me that having believed upon Christ the Lord places his seal on me, binding me to him. This is irrevocable, or, as verse 14 declares, “the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it.”
Be encouraged, As a believer your salvation is forever secure. And if it helps, keep this in mind: we are never asked to be perfect; just repentant.
Christa and I love you very much. I’m so thankful we can stay connected all these years later!