Doing away with Hell is in vogue today. Our increasingly fuzzy evangelicalism is determined to not just water it down, but make it go away. After all, we say, God is a loving God and would never be so cruel as to punish people for eternity. For him to do so would be morbid, heinous, READ MORE
Unpardonable Sin
The writer Mark records the situation as follows: And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “by the prince of demons he casts out the demons.” And he called them to him and said to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom READ MORE
Wars and Rumors: A Reprise
(I posted this about a year ago, but as I thought about much of what is going on in our world today I decided a reprise made sense, keeping in mind, of course, the dated but still ongoing realities stemming from the 2011 Japanese earthquake, Libya, etc. –Matthew) I am quite anxious about sounding cliché READ MORE
Camping, Bell, the Rapture and Hell
Awkward. That is the word of the week when it comes to the great reality that Harold Camping’s prediction about the May 21 evacuation was dead on arrival. One can’t help but worry for the hordes of people duped by Camping’s “guarantee” that the rapture would come. And now he’s determined to get it right, READ MORE
Usama Bin Laden and Justice
My reaction to the death of Usama bin Laden was one of instant gratification and gratitude. Clearly, bin Laden has been one of America’s greatest nemeses, and the operation by the Navy SEALS to take him out must, I would imagine, go down in the annals of American military history as one of the most READ MORE
Daniel 12: The Final Chapter
Daniel 12 is a fitting capstone to the epic prophetic survey of the Book of Daniel. It at once reminds the reader of the terrible season of distress that is coming upon the earth, points to the triumphant deliverance to be wrought with the return of Christ in glory, highlights the power and reality of READ MORE