Sandy Hook Elementary and the Tower of Siloam

A dark night has come and gone since the horrid massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary. My own numbness continues, as I am sure does yours. I cannot help but note the weird irony that yesterday morning, early, I posted on my Facebook page how overwhelmed I am that my own precious girls are no longer READ MORE

Reflections on Newtown Shooting

Like many of you I am trying to absorb the horror of the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. The image of the young mom now in utter shock, reflecting on having happily dropped her kid off earlier in the day only to discover he was now dead, sends chills all over me. How in the READ MORE

Your Spiritual Journey

Jesus’ movement to the Sea of Galilee was not mere happenstance, and it was much more than simply finding friends with whom to hang out. Indeed, Jesus put into motion not only an eternal mission for humankind, but the template for a very personal journey that every man and woman who is willing should and READ MORE

A Call to Follow

“We walk the same road.” These five words could have solemnly been offered by Mark, the writer of the second gospel narrative found in the New Testament, to the frantic Christians coming to him for help because of the persecution they faced in Rome. “We walk the same road . . . the road Jesus READ MORE

A Call to Urgency

Just before the Apostle Peter was executed he penned his second letter to the Christ-followers that he so dearly loved, and this letter was full of exhortation regarding things to come and the spirit with which those he loved could await for the Lord’s return. Consider, for example, 2 Peter 3:11-14: Since [Heaven and Earth] are thus to be dissolved, READ MORE

A Call to Suffer and Die

It was a restless hamlet in South Sudan along the Ethiopian border. A few short years ago I was there leading a pastors’ conference with the elders and pastors from various tribal groups from the region. When I asked them the best way I could help them their forceful plea was for me to tell READ MORE