Clinton, Trump, and Things Disciples Must Do

The prophecy about and then descent into King Nebuchadnezzar’s mental chaos, as recorded in Daniel 4, provides timely insight into how disciples of Jesus Christ might approach the turbulent and uncomfortable election season in which we currently find ourselves. Consider the following: Daniel 4 reveals a king consumed with a profound measure of pride. “Is this not READ MORE

Daniel: Hope in Uncertain Times

April 10 we at New Hope Church will be stepping into a new sermon series entitled, “Daniel: Hope in Uncertain Times.” There will be much emphasis, particularly in the later chapters, regarding God’s unfolding plan for the ages—prophetic passages that will help us to more fully appreciate God’s sovereign control of time and space and READ MORE

Daniel 12: The Final Chapter

Daniel 12 is a fitting capstone to the epic prophetic survey of the Book of Daniel. It at once reminds the reader of the terrible season of distress that is coming upon the earth, points to the triumphant deliverance to be wrought with the return of Christ in glory, highlights the power and reality of READ MORE