Your King is Coming!

Five hundred and forty years before the first Easter a prophet named Zechariah captured the attention of God’s people, speaking directly into their vulnerabilities, fears and brokenness. After seventy years of exile within the high walls of a brutal empire, the Jewish people had been released to return to their ancient homeland and its capital, READ MORE

Do Not Be Afraid

Someone that I have known for many years told me that she felt afraid as she thinks about the future and what the implications of past sin are for the future. The sin issue that she referenced was abortion. Below is part of what I shared with her, without using her name or particulars, of READ MORE

Bethlehem’s Solitary Savior: A Poem

From the empty streets, wailing, weeping heard. Rachel’s hot tears falling on trembling hands. In darkness she there sits, moaning, heaving; hurt. A solitary, empty cradle in black corner stands. “The King, the King,” they did laughingly scorn Herod’s treacherous, brutal band In dark rage they sought one not long born, A solitary boy with READ MORE

Your Spiritual Journey

Jesus’ movement to the Sea of Galilee was not mere happenstance, and it was much more than simply finding friends with whom to hang out. Indeed, Jesus put into motion not only an eternal mission for humankind, but the template for a very personal journey that every man and woman who is willing should and READ MORE

A Call to Follow

“We walk the same road.” These five words could have solemnly been offered by Mark, the writer of the second gospel narrative found in the New Testament, to the frantic Christians coming to him for help because of the persecution they faced in Rome. “We walk the same road . . . the road Jesus READ MORE