Anger Regarding Umpqua

I’m angry. Angry that nine more lives were lost because some deranged man was infatuated with death. Angry that many of these lives were snuffed out because they were believers in Jesus. Angry that too many of the voices of influence in the public square do not seem to care whatsoever about that detail. I cannot READ MORE

Loved By God

[fblike]   * * * * * * * * * * “Write This Down” is a summary of select teaching moments offered by Pastor Matthew. The preceding material is from the message “Loved By God,” part two of the sermon series entitled, “Follow Me,” a study on being a disciple who makes disciples, presented READ MORE

A Lesson on a Lake

Here is a very hard word of truth: life is not about you. Or me. There are things going on that are far greater. Lest you wonder, check out the following account from Mark 6:45 and following: [quote]Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to READ MORE

Legitimizing the Lord

Tucked tightly between the passage about Jesus’ healing the man with the withered hand and the calling of the twelve apostles is a seemingly modest account of a great crowd coming to Jesus for physical healing. Read carefully what Mark has penned about this particular moment in Jesus’ remarkable life: Jesus withdrew with his disciples READ MORE

Brutal Honesty

If we are brutally honest, all of us have issues of shame and fear and regret in our lives. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s standard. This reality keeps us from God (Romans 6:23). To what extent are you willing to acknowledge this in your own life? What are the ways READ MORE

The Galilean Carpenter

Though routine the soldiers’ work on top of the hill attracted onlookers. They labored away, planting stakes and laying out the timbers that would form the stands for some rough crosses. The sun was devouring the morning fog, and from that hill one could see the beginning of a very busy Friday in Jerusalem. Across READ MORE