I am blown away by the sad reality that too many guys are living like junior highers in grown-men’s bodies. And if for some reason we are choosing to rise above that reality, the society in which we find ourselves is determined to force us into that mold. Ours is a culture begging one essential READ MORE
Executive Shame: Obama and the Culture of Death
In late summer of 2009 I spoke about the likelihood of President Obama insisting that within his proposed health care legislation there would be expectations for broad tax-payer abortion. I made it clear that the potential abortion provisions were completely unacceptable. I stand by that today. The fiasco yesterday by President Obama is nothing short READ MORE
Where We’re Going
Occasionally I’ll post an update on where we’re going at Bethel Church with our weekend messages. We’ve just finished a flurry of series, including this past spring’s Crazy Sex: Embracing God’s Best in a World Gone Crazy; this summer’s Old Guys Rule and Live, Love & Lead Like Christ; and our most recent series through the Book READ MORE
Musings on Messages, Part One
The title is really wrong. It should say “Musings on the Messenger,” but I want to keep my options open for further reflections on sermons, the sermonizing process, and the nature of proclamation. However, I must begin whatever musings I am compelled to offer with the messenger himself (or herself, as the case might be). READ MORE
Select Thoughts on The Rapture of the Church
You hear about it all over the media right now, and it dominates the conversations of a lot of families, churches and skeptics. The topic? The Rapture of the Church. I personally have preached on this topic, and have lately referenced it through a sermon series I am currently preaching entitled “Memoirs of an Ancient Prophet: READ MORE
Things to Come From the Platform
Here at Bethel Church we are in the middle of our sermon series entitled “Memoirs of an Ancient Prophet: A Study Through the Book of Daniel.” Indeed, this coming Sunday, March 27, we will launch into the second half of Daniel 9. Our goal is to finish the Book of Daniel on Palm Sunday, just READ MORE