Grace Does Not Make Sense

Grace simply does not make sense. It is scandalous. It is shocking. It is often appalling. It does not make sense. And yet, it defines the existence of every follower of Jesus Christ. Without grace we have nothing. I often define grace in the following simple terms. You’ll note the acronym that is created from READ MORE

Kings & Princes: A Bold Call to Manhood

Our world is starving for real men to step up and lead. Not empty-suits, vacant behind the eyes and the ties. Not passive fools whose life ambition is to be nothing more than the sex-starved, beer-crazed baffoons in the average commercial or sitcom. Not the guys who spend their time feeling sorry for themselves and READ MORE

The Leader and the Power of Capacity

One dictionary defines “capacity” as the innate potential for growth and accomplishment. In the world of leadership, having capacity is a necessity; it is a key to successful leadership and a successful organization, whether that be the union hall or the church or the family or the family business. Without capacity there is stagnation. And READ MORE

Redemption and Restoration: Sexual Healing

In attempting to find freedom from any sin and shame cycle, and particularly from sexual sin and shame, some strategic steps must be formulated and pursued, and a beginning point is this very critical truism: A Man or Woman Becomes What He or She Thinks About All Day Long. With this truism locked in our READ MORE

Daniel’s 70th Week

Daniel 9 offers an amazing glimpse of things to come during that era commonly called the Tribulation. What is so uncanny about the passage is not merely the prophecy of the end of days, embedded so well in Daniel 9:27, but the prophecy that is found in Daniel 9:25 and then again in Daniel 9:26, READ MORE

Guarding the Deposit

Swept up into the activities of leading the church in Ephesus, young Timothy must have had moments of anxiety and despair. After all, this was the church Paul had so lovingly founded. It was nestled in the cradle of the Roman Empire—a cosmopolitan city that was renowned throughout the known world. And it was a READ MORE