Behold the Man!

Our world is starving for real men to step up and lead. Not empty-suits, vacant behind the eyes and the ties. Not passive fools whose life ambition is to be nothing more than the sex-starved, beer-crazed baffoons in the average commercial or sitcom. Not the guys who spend their time feeling sorry for themselves and READ MORE

On Noble Things Men Stand

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is one of my most beloved heroes. A German pastor and professor who gave his life to the cause of opposing Hitler and the Nazi regime, his legacy is vast. On April 6, 1943, Bonhoeffer was arrested by the Gestapo, largely due to his efforts to rescue Jewish friends and family and help READ MORE

Heads Down, Shoulders Slumped

Prompted by Bethel Church’s sermon series entitled, “Manhood: A Bold Call For Men of Nobility,” my friend Kay Kiefer, an amazing woman who serves on the front lines of helping people make life-affirming choices, sent me this note. Pastor Matthew . . . . thank you for this sermon series. One of the most stark READ MORE