Meals at Home

Transformative time around a meal plays a prominent role throughout the Bible. Surely this was in mind when the Lord God told the people of Israel, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today READ MORE

Justification By Faith

“How then can man be in the right before God?” asked Job’s neighbor Bildad the Shuhite (Job 25:4). This question is as powerful today as when Bildad asked it some 4,000 years ago. In so many ways it is mankind’s attempts to answer this question that makes religion so difficult and divisive. One might easily make READ MORE

Asleep in Chains

Tucked within the confines of Acts 12 is a telling description of the Apostle Peter’s true character; a portrait of his internal constitution. To appreciate the notation about the great apostle one needs to understand the broader context. King Herod was rounding up the Christian leaders in Jerusalem, putting “violent hands on some” (Acts 12:1). READ MORE

An Audacious Conviction: To Lead Like Christ

The mission of Bethel Church in Fargo, North Dakota, is to make disciples who live, love and lead like Christ. Indeed, it is our audacious conviction that this is the premier responsiblity that we have as a church, and, in fact, it is the premier responsibility of every church in every spot on the planet. READ MORE

Old Guys Rule: John and the Legacy that Won’t Quit

One of the most influential “old guys” of the Scriptures is the Apostle John, a man who was staying strong for the reputation of Jesus even in his nineties. The man simply wouldn’t stop! We know him primarily as the young disciple who, with his brother James, followed Jesus from the Sea of Galilee to no READ MORE

God is the King!

“Write This Down…” provides a restatement of selected points or observations from various teaching venues at which Pastor Matthew speaks. The following material is from Pastor Matthew’s sermon entitled, “God is the King!”, part of the sermon series “Memoirs of an Ancient Prophet: A Study of the Book of Daniel,” presented the weekend of January READ MORE