Usama Bin Laden and Justice

My reaction to the death of Usama bin Laden was one of instant gratification and gratitude. Clearly, bin Laden has been one of America’s greatest nemeses, and the operation by the Navy SEALS to take him out must, I would imagine, go down in the annals of American military history as one of the most READ MORE

A Testimony of Grace: The Christmas Nail

This video testimony, put together by Bethel Church’s worship team for our 2010 Christmas Eve services, share a personal story about arrogance, grace, and God’s willingness to use a most unexpected individual to speak into my life. I hope it will encourage you as you finish this year, and head into 2011. Christmas Nail Story READ MORE

Thanksgiving Rabbit

As if the fact that God has redeemed a stiff-necked sinner like me isn’t enough to demonstrate his grace and power, I need look no further than a boy named Kirby. Lost on the streets of Dallas, no home, hungry, and all alone, what happened to Kirby is a portrayal of grace, much like David’s READ MORE

Write This Down: A Tale of Two Fires

“Write This Down…” provides a restatement of selected points or observations from various teaching venues at which Pastor Matthew speaks. The following material is from Pastor Matthew’s messages at the men’s retreat for West Park Baptist Church at Fort Bluff Camp in Dayton, Tennessee, October 7-9, 2010: Too many of us men come to that READ MORE

The Lord of the Flies

Proverbs 4:23 has mocked me for years. Herein the great writer of thousands of sayings challenges all of us to guard our hearts. “Keep your heart with all vigilance,” he writes, “for from it flow the springs of life.” The mocking comes because too often I do not want to guard my heart. I just READ MORE

Turning Pain Into a Parable

Yesterday was one of those days marked by pain. In my heart. All the day. For reasons and circumstances utterly beyond my own doing yet simply common to Everyman. The stuff of life taking the toll on my life. And, you know, it is no different than your day, or your tomorrow, or some day READ MORE