Turning Pain into a Parable

I have been giving some thought to the ways that God reveals himself in our lives and remembered this blog post from a couple of years back. As I reread it I decided it might be worth re-posting. Let me know if it resonates with you: Yesterday was one of those days marked by pain. READ MORE

Reflections on Repentance

Tim Keller was quoted on Twitter the other day (March 6, 2012), and it immediately grabbed my attention. He stated, “Fear-based repentance makes us hate ourselves. Joy-based repentance makes us hate sin.” Simple, brilliant and true. This has given me much to think about and pray about, the effect of which are some musings that READ MORE

Trust is Everything

Trust is everything. When trust exists between people, within families or organizations, large or small, there is significant room for both empowerment and failure, unity and general well-being. However, when trust is not present, there exists at least a profound measure of insecurity and at most the dehumanization of the those involved. Everything is in READ MORE

Preoccupation with . . . Grace

Jon Lindgren, a self-proclaimed “free thinker” whose blog appears in the Fargo Forum, often provides commentary on how he perceives Christianity and Christians in general, and one of his common themes is that Christians are preoccupied with sin. The honest reality, as much as I hate to admit it, is that he is on to READ MORE

A Prayer for America

Father, It is the National Day of Prayer. Millions of us Americans will be crying out to you. We should do this everyday, however. Forgive me for failing to consider that. As you look upon us you must be pleased. We are no doubt a special people. Your hand of mercy has been upon us READ MORE