The Galilean Carpenter

Though routine the soldiers’ work on top of the hill attracted onlookers. They labored away, planting stakes and laying out the timbers that would form the stands for some rough crosses. The sun was devouring the morning fog, and from that hill one could see the beginning of a very busy Friday in Jerusalem. Across READ MORE

Reflections on Repentance

Tim Keller was quoted on Twitter the other day (March 6, 2012), and it immediately grabbed my attention. He stated, “Fear-based repentance makes us hate ourselves. Joy-based repentance makes us hate sin.” Simple, brilliant and true. This has given me much to think about and pray about, the effect of which are some musings that READ MORE

Write This Down: Financial Peace Declaration

“Write This Down…” provides a restatement of selected points or observations from various teaching venues at which Pastor Matthew speaks. The following material is from Pastor Matthew’s sermon entitled, “Our Financial Peace Declaration”, part of the series called “Momentum,” the weekend of December 12, 2010 at Bethel Church: Proverbs 16:3 challenges us with the reality READ MORE

“Taking Part in the Relief”

Imagine that at Christmas you take the money you spent for that sweater and you use it instead to help build a water well in Cameroon. Consider the power of Christians all over the world praying that a lasting peace would settle down upon the war-torn nation of Sudan. Think of the freedom and joy READ MORE

Mack Brown and the Lingering Influence of Fathers

I’ve had a lot of discussion lately with men whose fathers were simply too harsh on them. Let me just mention here that though I’ve seen that for years and understand the dynamic as someone who just spends a lot of time with hurting people, I cannot personally relate. My own dad has been a READ MORE

What that Beach Means

Sixty-five years ago today a horde of men slammed into the pebbly sands of Normandy. In so doing they changed the world. People forget, it seems, that intensity of the tyranny that was dominating Europe and strangling the rest of the world. Except, of course, those whose bravery and determination brought an end to that READ MORE