Jesus life and ministry foils everything that we know. Where there is darkness he brings light. Where there is death he brings life. Where there is fear he brings peace. Where there is contempt he brings compassion. We could go on and on. Mark 5:21-43 vividly continue this theme (click on the link and read READ MORE
Authority to Forgive
The refreshing water of healing and cleansing that we need is only provided by the God who comes to us in Jesus Christ. READ MORE
Prayer in a Desolate Place
Jesus’ early-morning trek to an out-of -the-way spot so that he might talk with his heavenly Father offers some important lessons regarding both prayer and purpose. Consider the passage, as revealed in Mark 1:35-39: And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, READ MORE
The Entrance
Jesus’ movement from the synogogue to Peter’s home is far more significant than might seem on the surface. Consider the text, according to the English Standard Version, from Mark 1:29-34: And immediately he left the synagogue and entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Now Simon’s mother-in-law lay ill with a READ MORE
The Holy One of God
It is not just a mere man who has come to bring light into the darkness, to meet us in the wilderness, to rescue us from bonds of evil, and erase our shame. Consider the following passage from Mark 1:21-28 for proof: And they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath he entered the READ MORE
A Call to Fight
One of the primary features of the Gospel of Mark is the reality that beyond the scope of time and space there is a spiritual realm that is very real and very active. Indeed, one can make the case that before the public truly acknowledged Jesus as unique, forces from the realm beyond time and READ MORE