If Jesus performed a miracle they would believe he was in cahoots with Satan. If he failed they would declare him a fraud worthy of stoning. READ MORE
Posts highlighting the cause of global and local mission endeavors
Conversation By a Well
As our days roll along let’s put ourselves into our realms of influence as Jesus did. Let’s have a conversation by a well. READ MORE
Four Questions About a Dry Season
If you are asking “Why?” to some dark season or dry spiritual valley, perhaps these four questions will give you hope and fresh purpose. READ MORE
The Missing Ingredient
Do we notice the little things around us? Do we see the hunger, the hurt, the hate, the hopefulness or hopelessness? READ MORE
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Our world is starving for answers to ethnic trauma. There is none better than the church of the bloodied and risen Lamb to address this. READ MORE
Witness . . . to the World
But the ends of the earth? Now we’re talking Gentiles. Surely Jesus wasn’t serious. READ MORE