Every one of us can recall a time when we feel the proverbial desert sands stinging our eyes and burning our feet. READ MORE
Are You Signed Up for GLS?
Let me be painfully blunt: our world is starving for substantive leaders—true leaders—who will step up and move us forward to a preferred future. Even the simplest glance toward Washington, D.C. tells us that this much is true. Our society is hungry for men and women who will not settle for the management of mediocrity, READ MORE
Five Benefits of Powerful Story
Bethel Church’s @Home Ministry seeks to empower families to thrive, and just as we have enjoyed important resource seasons in the past year or so, so we now begin another called “Movies@Home” (stop by Bethel Church’s @Home Center for great resources about movies as well as tons of other helpful tools for all kinds of READ MORE
Selected Books on Leadership (May 2012)
A good friend of mine reached out to me earlier this week asking what resources I have been reading lately on leadership. I get questions like this a lot, and not just about leadership, but issues relating to culture, the spiritual life, theology and so forth. I also get lots of questions about news sources READ MORE
Manage the Moment or Build the Individual. You Choose.
There are two ways of influencing a situation that tend to dominate the leadership landscape. One is to manage the moment. This is when the person in authority recognizes the need for change and pursues a safer course toward transformation, putting into motion the manipulation of tasks or systems or behavior for an immediate effect. In READ MORE
Three Top Needs for Any Pastor
An acquaintance of mine just asked a group of friends and me how to encourage and mentor a young pastor experiencing tremendous growth in his church. He had wisely sought out my acquaintance for mentoring and accountability, and this man then asked us for pieces of experience that he could pass along to this young READ MORE