The cross of Christ, and the related proofpoint which is the resurrection, has made seeing God possible again. The guilt is gone. READ MORE
Six Ways a Man Makes a Difference
Ask yourself how you might allow these six values to work themselves out in your own life. Who will be impacted? When? How? READ MORE
Taking the Lead . . . .
In the margin of my Bible, right next to Psalm 45, I have written the following words: take the lead, at the front, for causes bigger than you—don’t be shy. To the right of these words I have placed a star, scrawled in pencil, and to the left of these words an arrow pointing toward READ MORE
The Awful Pattern of Sin-Management
A simple review of the center of John’s gospel account gives us a glimpse into the awful drama of sin-management: Now when Jesus came, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb four days. Bethany was near Jerusalem, about two miles off, and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary READ MORE
The Cost
To be associated with Jesus is costly. There is not a neat and tidy association with him. We see that even among his own family and friends Jesus himself had a hard time (cp. Mark 6:1-6). We see that Jesus, quite aware of the toll following him may take on his disciples, prepares his followers READ MORE
Four Lies About Hell
Doing away with Hell is in vogue today. Our increasingly fuzzy evangelicalism is determined to not just water it down, but make it go away. After all, we say, God is a loving God and would never be so cruel as to punish people for eternity. For him to do so would be morbid, heinous, READ MORE