If Jesus Did Not Rise . . .

The Gospel of John tells of Mary Magdalene who, upon discovering the empty tomb, is panicked by the idea the Lord has been “taken away” (John 20:13). First she deals with Jesus’ death, and now the possibility someone has stolen his body, perhaps as some cheap stunt. Whatever hope she had placed in Jesus seems READ MORE

The Beauty of Penal Substitution

Not long ago a helpful book regarding the problem of mass incarceration was shared around our community–Dominique Gilliard’s work, Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice that Restores. His writing does a noble job of highlighting many of the tragic dynamics shaping what I tend to think of as the “Incarceration Complex.” I commend the work to READ MORE

Things Needful for Personal Healing

In the throes of helping the hurting, a handful of things have come to mind throughout the years that help move a person confronted with the reality and gravity of sin toward a place of healing and wholesomeness. Perhaps these will be helpful for you or someone you know: There needs to be recognition of READ MORE

“You Who Are Spiritual”

The Book of Galatians finds the Apostle Paul boldly calling out the evils of legalism. Those who would promote such poison are “stupid” (see Galatians 3:1), and will “bear the penalty” (Gal. 5:10) for their perversion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul also makes it plain that avoiding legalism does not give us a READ MORE

Redemption and Restoration: Sexual Healing

In attempting to find freedom from any sin and shame cycle, and particularly from sexual sin and shame, some strategic steps must be formulated and pursued, and a beginning point is this very critical truism: A Man or Woman Becomes What He or She Thinks About All Day Long. With this truism locked in our READ MORE

The Lord of the Flies

Proverbs 4:23 has mocked me for years. Herein the great writer of thousands of sayings challenges all of us to guard our hearts. “Keep your heart with all vigilance,” he writes, “for from it flow the springs of life.” The mocking comes because too often I do not want to guard my heart. I just READ MORE