Jesus’ early-morning trek to an out-of -the-way spot so that he might talk with his heavenly Father offers some important lessons regarding both prayer and purpose. Consider the passage, as revealed in Mark 1:35-39: And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, READ MORE
A Cry in the Wilderness
The wilderness is a place of desolation, deprivation and despair. Here the harsh voices within our souls scream bloody murder, taunting us, pointing out our foolishness, our shame, our sins, questioning who we really are and why we are so lonely. The vulnerability of the wilderness plays on our deepest fears and leaves us wallowing READ MORE
A Call to Follow
“We walk the same road.” These five words could have solemnly been offered by Mark, the writer of the second gospel narrative found in the New Testament, to the frantic Christians coming to him for help because of the persecution they faced in Rome. “We walk the same road . . . the road Jesus READ MORE
Reflections on a Martyr on Independence Day
Just finishing the last pages of Eric Metaxas’ masterful biography on one of my heroes, Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, entitled, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Fittingly, today, July 4, a day in which we American’s celebrate our nation’s birth, I close the book reading of Bonhoeffer’s execution at Flossenbürg concentration camp. Bonhoeffer was the greatest of READ MORE