At a global ministry conference in Beirut, Lebanon, I was asked to share my reflections on the state of the American church and the implications of my observations for global ministry. Here is a survey of what I shared: First, evangelicalism, which is a rich theological construct, has been co-opted by American politics and is READ MORE
Middle East
Responding to the Refugee Crisis
The plight of refugees dominates global headlines. The utter chaos within certain corners of the world has forced men and women and boys and girls by the millions to flee, sometimes for their very lives. Of course, while there are refugees on the move all across Earth, the circumstances of those from the Middle East—places READ MORE
My Thoughts On Syria
Like many of you I have been watching with deep concern the whole matter regarding Syria, the use of chemical weapons, whether or not America will respond militarily, and so forth. My mind and heart have been all over the map. One moment I have been all for blasting Syria into the stone age, and READ MORE
Are the Puzzle Pieces Continuing to Fall in Place?
CNN has just posted a breaking news story about the Turkish government now confronting anti-government protestors with tear-gas and water cannons. While these protestors are supposedly frustrated by the islamification of what they would like to see remain a generally secular society, rumor has it that the real force behind the protestors are the Iranians, READ MORE
A Call to Suffer and Die
It was a restless hamlet in South Sudan along the Ethiopian border. A few short years ago I was there leading a pastors’ conference with the elders and pastors from various tribal groups from the region. When I asked them the best way I could help them their forceful plea was for me to tell READ MORE
The Missionary God
As Jesus’ disciples made their way up the eastern slope of Mt. Zion toward the magnificent temple mount, they must have felt a sense of exhilaration about approaching that familiar but still great place. It was, after all, the symbol of everything Jewish—that monument that evoked remembrances of the covenant God and His glory. But READ MORE