My soul is like a smooth stone skipping along the surface of something deep, mysterious, and inviting, wobbly and out-of-control. READ MORE
The Narrow Path: A Palm Sunday Poem
I have wandered while on the narrow path, toward the Eastern Gate, the trail donkey and Master took, to a crucified man’s fate READ MORE
If Jesus Did Not Rise . . .
The Gospel of John tells of Mary Magdalene who, upon discovering the empty tomb, is panicked by the idea the Lord has been “taken away” (John 20:13). First she deals with Jesus’ death, and now the possibility someone has stolen his body, perhaps as some cheap stunt. Whatever hope she had placed in Jesus seems READ MORE
Select Reflections on Preaching
Preaching is among the sublimest gifts of life, for in it the written Word of God comes alive for the hearer, and the Spirit of God uses such a hearing to direct the soul of a man or woman right to the very foot of the Throne. Preaching can never be taken lightly within the READ MORE
A Call to Slavery
By giving his own life as a ransom for many, Jesus fully embodied the spirit of this definition. As his followers, so must we. READ MORE
Turning Pain into a Parable
I have been giving some thought to the ways that God reveals himself in our lives and remembered this blog post from a couple of years back. As I reread it I decided it might be worth re-posting. Let me know if it resonates with you: Yesterday was one of those days marked by pain. READ MORE