Desperate for a Touch of Hope?

Jesus life and ministry foils everything that we know. Where there is darkness he brings light. Where there is death he brings life. Where there is fear he brings peace. Where there is contempt he brings compassion. We could go on and on. Mark 5:21-43 vividly continue this theme (click on the link and read READ MORE

Think Small

One clear goal of Jesus’ life was to pierce the darkness in which we live and usher in the light of God’s redeeming grace. But this is not a mission that is exclusive to Jesus’ earthly season. Indeed, this is a mission that every one of his disciples must fulfill. No exceptions. His simple parables, READ MORE

Good News of God

Here are a couple of important questions for you to answer. First, do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with an internal darkness that leaves you frightened, worried, empty, and convinced you must live the most obscure and alone life anybody has ever experienced? The second question is this: if Jesus were to speak to you, READ MORE

A Call to Fight

One of the primary features of the Gospel of Mark is the reality that beyond the scope of time and space there is a spiritual realm that is very real and very active. Indeed, one can make the case that before the public truly acknowledged Jesus as unique, forces from the realm beyond time and READ MORE

The Light of the World

Our world can be very dark. Children will go for generations in many corners of our planet without clean water. Mildly successful businessmen will trade their accomplishments in for alcoholism. On this very night too many women in our own community will wonder—even if for a moment—if they truly get their husbands’ fullest affections. There READ MORE

In the Midst of Darkness—Light!

Honesty recalls the shame that often defines our lives. Like dark clouds hovering above, shame lingers, squeezing out any real light, suffocating us with its heat, making us long for relief. I define shame as that intense feeling of despair brought on by either guilt or threat. Some of us are ashamed because we are READ MORE