The plight of refugees dominates global headlines. The utter chaos within certain corners of the world has forced men and women and boys and girls by the millions to flee, sometimes for their very lives. Of course, while there are refugees on the move all across Earth, the circumstances of those from the Middle East—places READ MORE
Reflections on the Authenticity of the Book of Jonah
The Book of Jonah is one of those pieces of biblical literature accustomed to taking a beating from skeptics conditioned to not only dismiss it but to regularly mock those willing to uphold the idea of its historicity and authenticity. Indeed, it is a common phenomenon for students to find within the classrooms of even supposedly READ MORE
An Urgent Appeal
I have special friends scattered across Lebanon and Iraq and Jordan and so forth, doing ministry in an environment that may be the toughest in the world right now because of ISIS and the parallel efforts of radical Islamonazis. It is probable that those of us in the West cannot comprehend the immense strain the READ MORE
Responding to ISIS: Prayer, Care & Military Action
I had hardly returned home last week from southern Africa when I was greeted with texts and Facebook messages and emails and pleading eyes asking about my thoughts on ISIS and the slaughter of the Christians in Iraq. Where does one begin? Let me start with prayer. On Sunday we invited our church family, and READ MORE
Remembering 9/11
In the language of the ancient Hebrews there is a word that invites all who hear it to intentionally, sensitively and with a sense of sacredness memorialize some moment or event or person that is worthy of recollection. It is the word zakar, and it is a word that has been on my mind a READ MORE
Hope Beyond the Rubble
September 11, 2001, is a day that forever changed the shape of America. Like you, I will never forget it. Early that morning I had gone riding horses with a good friend, surveying the many things he was doing to develop his newly acquired ranch. Because I knew much of our morning would find us READ MORE