Sunday’s Comments on the 2016 Election

Below is a transcript of my comments across our four worship gatherings this morning at New Hope Church regarding the election: Good morning my brothers and sisters in Christ. For those of you who are guests, my name is Matthew, and I am one of the pastors here at New Hope Church. I would like READ MORE

Moving Beyond Election Day

A number of folk from places far and wide are asking me about the election results. There are a handful of things that readily come to my mind that I would like to pass along. These are very important, I think, particularly as we disciples move forward from here. First, regardless of which “side” we READ MORE

Three Truths as I Stare at My Ballot

My mail-in ballot for the 2016 election is resting on the desk in front of me. It has been sitting there for about four days while I have fretted and prayed and prayed and fretted over what to do. Today I find my eyes misty, with grief over our national drama pushing the tears forward. READ MORE

Vote “Yes” on Measure 1

I have been asked to weigh in on North Dakota’s upcoming vote regarding Measure 1. Measure 1, as put forward on the ballot, states: . . . . . . . . . . Constitutional Measure No. 1 (Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4009, 2013 Session Laws, Ch. 519) This constitutional measure would create and enact READ MORE

A Note to our Bethel Family

An email to our wonderful Bethel Church family, regarding the election: Hi Friends . . . . . A number of you have visited with me today about the election; some of you in tears, others of you neutral, still others of you pleased. I know that even in our church family, within our staff READ MORE

For Kings and All in High Positions

After President Obama was elected in 2008 I penned these words for my blog. They are as true today as they were then, as they were 2,000 years ago when the apostles were weighing in on such matters. Here they are again, slightly adapted for the events of the past twenty-four hours: Whether you went READ MORE