If Jesus performed a miracle they would believe he was in cahoots with Satan. If he failed they would declare him a fraud worthy of stoning. READ MORE
Let God Work!
Do you see God’s perspective? Three words: Let God work! He is able to equip you for every task as you labor among God’s people. READ MORE
Four Truths about Forgiveness
Joseph had been deeply wounded by his brothers. In their collective disdain for this seemingly favored son of their father, they trafficked him to those who would sell him into slavery. It is an awful and ugly story, but one to which the Most High God was attentive. Despite what anyone might have expected, and READ MORE
The Risk of Moving Forward
“Forward!” is the watchword of the spiritual life, a movement toward a destination that seems so incredibly elusive, but one into which we will step when it does in fact materialize. But “Forward!” is incredibly frightening. It can be costly. It requires change. It requires patience. It requires determination. It requires humility. It requires faith. Moving READ MORE
A Lesson on a Lake
Here is a very hard word of truth: life is not about you. Or me. There are things going on that are far greater. Lest you wonder, check out the following account from Mark 6:45 and following: [quote]Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to READ MORE
My Thoughts On Syria
Like many of you I have been watching with deep concern the whole matter regarding Syria, the use of chemical weapons, whether or not America will respond militarily, and so forth. My mind and heart have been all over the map. One moment I have been all for blasting Syria into the stone age, and READ MORE