It is rather simple, really, this defining mark of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Jesus, of course, sums it up quite well with his pithy imperatives nestled within Mark 8:34. Here is what he says: And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let READ MORE
Loved By God
The essence of being a disciple is moving toward Jesus and taking others with you. When all is said and done, it is really that simple. This is liberating. It allows for a variety of ways to do this, recognizing the unique wiring of many different people, their circumstances, contexts, and so forth. To be READ MORE
Four Needs for Moving Toward Jesus
John 15:8 offers a succinct word about the legitimacy of discipleship. Jesus says, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” But what is the fruit of discipleship—the fruit of which Jesus speaks? Is it having all kinds of knowledge about spiritual and/or theological things? READ MORE
Values for the Disciple
Mark 7:31-37 offers a striking moment in which to grapple with some important values for every disciple of Jesus. To begin with, consider the story, as told from Mark’s perspective: Then he returned from the region of Tyre and went through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the Decapolis. And they READ MORE
The Cost
To be associated with Jesus is costly. There is not a neat and tidy association with him. We see that even among his own family and friends Jesus himself had a hard time (cp. Mark 6:1-6). We see that Jesus, quite aware of the toll following him may take on his disciples, prepares his followers READ MORE
Think Small
One clear goal of Jesus’ life was to pierce the darkness in which we live and usher in the light of God’s redeeming grace. But this is not a mission that is exclusive to Jesus’ earthly season. Indeed, this is a mission that every one of his disciples must fulfill. No exceptions. His simple parables, READ MORE