Daniel 12 is a fitting capstone to the epic prophetic survey of the Book of Daniel. It at once reminds the reader of the terrible season of distress that is coming upon the earth, points to the triumphant deliverance to be wrought with the return of Christ in glory, highlights the power and reality of READ MORE
Daniel 9:27
Daniel 11 and the Antichrist’s Rule
Daniel 11 presents a sweeping view of the historical realities that dominated the ancient near east in the years between Daniel’s death right up to the years just before the birth of the Messiah. The precision with which Daniel addresses the historical events is amazing, and generally affirmed by historians both secular and theological as READ MORE
Select Thoughts on The Rapture of the Church
You hear about it all over the media right now, and it dominates the conversations of a lot of families, churches and skeptics. The topic? The Rapture of the Church. I personally have preached on this topic, and have lately referenced it through a sermon series I am currently preaching entitled “Memoirs of an Ancient Prophet: READ MORE
Daniel’s 70th Week
Daniel 9 offers an amazing glimpse of things to come during that era commonly called the Tribulation. What is so uncanny about the passage is not merely the prophecy of the end of days, embedded so well in Daniel 9:27, but the prophecy that is found in Daniel 9:25 and then again in Daniel 9:26, READ MORE