One of the most vivid stories in the histories of Jesus is when he and his disciples find their boat tossed to and fro upon the stormy waters Galilee’s sea. Consider their experience as recorded by Mark in the history that bears his name: On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, READ MORE
It is easily dismissed in our day and age, though it is no laughing matter. Sadly, Christians, even in good Bible-believing churches like the ours, are especially notorious for it. Callie Glorioso-Mays says it brilliantly: at its root, gossip is a manifestation of two insidious sins: pride and idolatry. Check out Glorioso-May’s post for more. It’s worth the READ MORE
My Thoughts On Syria
Like many of you I have been watching with deep concern the whole matter regarding Syria, the use of chemical weapons, whether or not America will respond militarily, and so forth. My mind and heart have been all over the map. One moment I have been all for blasting Syria into the stone age, and READ MORE
For Kings and All in High Positions
After President Obama was elected in 2008 I penned these words for my blog. They are as true today as they were then, as they were 2,000 years ago when the apostles were weighing in on such matters. Here they are again, slightly adapted for the events of the past twenty-four hours: Whether you went READ MORE
A Call to Urgency
Just before the Apostle Peter was executed he penned his second letter to the Christ-followers that he so dearly loved, and this letter was full of exhortation regarding things to come and the spirit with which those he loved could await for the Lord’s return. Consider, for example, 2 Peter 3:11-14: Since [Heaven and Earth] are thus to be dissolved, READ MORE
A Call to Suffer and Die
It was a restless hamlet in South Sudan along the Ethiopian border. A few short years ago I was there leading a pastors’ conference with the elders and pastors from various tribal groups from the region. When I asked them the best way I could help them their forceful plea was for me to tell READ MORE