This time of year the headlines are full of familiar references to churches and those who claim to follow Christ. There will be stories about “pilgrims” making their way to Bethlehem, the “faithful” flocking into the Vatican, and “believers” gathering for Christmas Eve in churches aplenty. Within the musty corridors of numerous tiny churches scattered READ MORE
A Call to Slavery
By giving his own life as a ransom for many, Jesus fully embodied the spirit of this definition. As his followers, so must we. READ MORE
How Do We “Cast Out” Legalism?
How do we “cast out” (see Galatians 4:30) the legalists and their petty notions from our lives? This is an important question for any of us suffocating under the heavy weight of self-proclaimed spiritual masters of our spiritual destinies. Consider the following ideas: First, we must affirm the truth that our relationship with God is based exclusively READ MORE
Grieving With Hope
Unbelievable. That is the only word that comes to my mind when I read about Dong Yun Yoon’s terrible loss and his most remarkable response to it [Check out the LA Times story here] . You see, a day or two ago a Marine F/A-18D Hornet fighter jet came freefalling from the sky after the READ MORE
Our New President
Whether you are going to bed filled with utter elation or deep despair, there is one response that must be at once common and necessary among all of us, especially those of us claiming to follow Jesus Christ. Consider the words of the Apostle Paul to his younger friend Timothy: First of all, then, I READ MORE
What’s In A Name?
I’m not sure I share her passion for preventing biology classes from dissecting worms and frogs, but I have to admire Jennifer Thornburg’s tenacity. So committed is she to ridding science class dissections from schools she has actually legally changed her name to raise awareness about her cause. Her new name? Cutout It’s true. READ MORE