Psalm of the Face

Dictionaries tell us that “shame” is a painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace. What things in your life are causing you to experience shame? This week. Right now. When we feel shame we generally wish to turn away from those with whom we normally feel safe but before READ MORE

The Summons

Embedded in the heart of Psalm 68 is a simple lyric compelling me to beg God to unleash his power on my behalf. Read it carefully: Summon your power, O God, the power, O God, by which you have worked for us. It has become for me one of my most treasured prayers. Let me READ MORE

Meals at Home

Transformative time around a meal plays a prominent role throughout the Bible. Surely this was in mind when the Lord God told the people of Israel, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today READ MORE

Living Above & Beyond with Extravagant Rejoicing

This post finds us continuing our series and Bethel Church’s special season entitled, “Living Above & Beyond,” an opportunity to mature as followers of Christ, with the goal of becoming the church that lives above and beyond material slavery, spiritual complacency and small-minded eternal vision. We want to raise our spiritual bar; indeed, we must READ MORE