Our brief series entitled, Warrior: A Study of Biblical Womanhood, may be summarized in a simple statement: women are ezer-warriors, to be reckoned with, bearing God’s image, and, called to change the world. It is the final part of this statement that captures our attention here.
One Powerful Example
Esther is a powerful example of a woman besting numerous cultural expectations with an ezer-warrior, God’s-kingdom mindset. In so doing she embodied the spirit of an image-bearer, the crown of God’s creation ruling over the created order for the glory of God. In the face of her greatest challenge—confronting the world’s most powerful rulers—she came to realize God had called her to such a moment (cp. Esther 4:14).
Her background suggests the limits she overcame. She was an orphan, raised by an uncle. She was sexually trafficked by the authorities, “tried out” by the king, and ultimately brought to the king’s side as his queen-consort. Her world was contained within the confines of Persia’s royal court, and specifically within the expected norms for a woman powerless and celebrated only at the king’s whim. Indeed, she could not even approach him lest she be executed. In this regard her life reminds us of many women whose lives are defined by those around them, who are generally powerless, and whose influence is tiny.
Dire Circumstances
Circumstances forced Esther to consider the world beyond her sphere. The king of Persia had agreed with his prime minister to butcher the Jews. A great fear spread among the people of Persia, and a longing for justice grew. Esther’s uncle prodded her to leverage her position as queen to address the pending atrocity.
It is noteworthy that he could only encourage her, speak truth to her, pray for her; but he could not act above her. Indeed, he had to surrender to the reality that she was the more pivotal one in the cause to bring about justice. In this sense he is a terrific role-model—a man seeking to celebrate God’s ezer-warrior. Ultimately, through some captivating court-intrigue, God mercifully made the king favorable toward Esther and he redirected his plan.
The Jewish people were spared.
Esther and the Choices She Made
A handful of observations must be made regarding Esther and the choices she made.
Esther Chose to be Kingdom-Minded
Though her plight as a woman was common enough, and culturally limited, she chose to be Kingdom-minded. She rose above the normal structures in which she was confined, risking even her life to pursue something bigger than herself and the world around her.
Esther Reached for Things Greater than Herself
She modeled true gospel living, pouring her life into something greater than herself so others could be free. In this she was a foreshadowing of the Messiah, Jesus, who would later come to make all things new.
Esther Embodied the Spirit of an Ezer-Warrior
Her willingness to be an ezer-warrior allowed people around her—men and women—to flourish. By striving for the better things Esther elevated the dignity of the most important man in her world—her uncle. The same is true of her husband the king. By reaching beyond her comfort zone and calling out injustice, even at risk of her own life, she gained the king’s favor and ultimately raised his stature among his people.
Two Vital Conclusions
Thus, we conclude two important things. First, relationships between men and women are strategic and vital. Esther needed her uncle, and he needed her. Their partnership saved the Jewish race.
Secondly, women have a place every bit as prominent as men in bringing about justice, righteousness and order within creation. Indeed, powerfully, their role will often be far greater than that of the men.
The very existence of the Book of Esther, and the centuries-old celebration of Purim by the Jewish people, is proof enough that God celebrates such.