Doing away with Hell is in vogue today. Our increasingly fuzzy evangelicalism is determined to not just water it down, but make it go away. After all, we say, God is a loving God and would never be so cruel as to punish people for eternity. For him to do so would be morbid, heinous, READ MORE
Adolf Hitler
On Noble Things Men Stand
Dietrich Bonhoeffer is one of my most beloved heroes. A German pastor and professor who gave his life to the cause of opposing Hitler and the Nazi regime, his legacy is vast. On April 6, 1943, Bonhoeffer was arrested by the Gestapo, largely due to his efforts to rescue Jewish friends and family and help READ MORE
Reflections on a Martyr on Independence Day
Just finishing the last pages of Eric Metaxas’ masterful biography on one of my heroes, Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, entitled, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Fittingly, today, July 4, a day in which we American’s celebrate our nation’s birth, I close the book reading of Bonhoeffer’s execution at Flossenbürg concentration camp. Bonhoeffer was the greatest of READ MORE
What that Beach Means
Sixty-five years ago today a horde of men slammed into the pebbly sands of Normandy. In so doing they changed the world. People forget, it seems, that intensity of the tyranny that was dominating Europe and strangling the rest of the world. Except, of course, those whose bravery and determination brought an end to that READ MORE