Still Bothered By Pat

I am still very disturbed by Pat Robertson’s comments that divorcing your mate because she may be struggling with Alzheimer’s Disease is okay. For those of you who missed it or cannot believe he might have actually said it, click here. Not only do his comments provoke some personal pain for me, particularly because of READ MORE

Pat Robertson Has Lost His Mind

I was absolutely stunned to read Pat Robertson’s supposedly sagacious counsel that a person should feel free to divorce a spouse who has Alzheimer’s Disease. His argument goes along these lines: if your mate has Alzheimer’s and therefore is utterly incapable of relating to you anymore, then your mate is essentially dead and thus you READ MORE

Preoccupation with . . . Grace

Jon Lindgren, a self-proclaimed “free thinker” whose blog appears in the Fargo Forum, often provides commentary on how he perceives Christianity and Christians in general, and one of his common themes is that Christians are preoccupied with sin. The honest reality, as much as I hate to admit it, is that he is on to READ MORE

Camping, Bell, the Rapture and Hell

Awkward. That is the word of the week when it comes to the great reality that Harold Camping’s prediction about the May 21 evacuation was dead on arrival. One can’t help but worry for the hordes of people duped by Camping’s “guarantee” that the rapture would come. And now he’s determined to get it right, READ MORE

Terry Jones is a Fool

Okay. I said it. Terry Jones, the leader of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, is a fool. Webster suggests to us that a fool is someone lacking judgment or prudence. Next to the definition should be Terry Jones’ name. While the deadly attacks in places like Afghanistan are horrendous and themselves foolish, having READ MORE

Three Reasons to Not Burn the Koran

On September 11, 2010, the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, is planning on having a Koran-burning. Called the “International Burn a Koran Day,” this particular church has even put forward ten reasons why the Koran should be burned. As one might expect, condemnation for this scheduled event, and the attitude behind it, is READ MORE