One Awful Day

Thankfully it is from the likes of General Norman Schwarzkoph that I find myself having permission to cry uncontrollably if needed. When asked years ago by Barbara Walters how it was that the great general would cry when talking about his troops he, with star-bedecked shoulders and stout chest declared, “I am scared of a READ MORE

A Rustic Stable

When the rough and tumble shepherds gathered into the rustic stable Joseph hardly knew what to do. No doubt, fear gripped him as they assembled around the little boy in the manger. Mary—startled from her much needed sleep by the commotion—looked up with bewilderment. What do these men want? The answer came quickly. With an READ MORE

He Arrived: A Christmas Poem

He arrived. In the midst of darkness and sin, the Promised Child of the Ages came to the scene. Unpretentious. Without fanfare. Quietly . . . on a still night in Palestine. To ordinary people. He arrived. For the brokenhearted and those filled with shame, the Immanuel came to the scene. A little child . READ MORE

An Angel in Carharts

Well . . . the blizzard hit with a fury that hasn’t been seen in these parts in over ten years. And we survived. We’ve had lots of local friends call and ask if we still like it in Fargo. In a phrase: We love it! And with great enthusiasm did I leave the confines READ MORE

Grieving With Hope

Unbelievable. That is the only word that comes to my mind when I read about Dong Yun Yoon’s terrible loss and his most remarkable response to it [Check out the LA Times story here] . You see, a day or two ago a Marine F/A-18D Hornet fighter jet came freefalling from the sky after the READ MORE

The Lord Remembers

The large crowd suggests that it was early afternoon, but it really doesn’t matter. The important thing is what happened to Zechariah. The supreme moment of his Levitical service had arrived. The lot had fallen his way. The Privilege was finally his. When word came that the duty was his, Zechariah no doubt saw his READ MORE