Well . . . the blizzard hit with a fury that hasn’t been seen in these parts in over ten years. And we survived. We’ve had lots of local friends call and ask if we still like it in Fargo.
In a phrase: We love it! And with great enthusiasm did I leave the confines of my flannel covered bed to trek out into the wild to deal with the five foot snow drifts that gathered in my driveway. It was time to crank up the snow blower and get to work.
Only the snow blower wouldn’t start because I didn’t know what I was doing. Uffdah! as they say in these parts. And it was then that I petitioned the Master of the snow and the snow blowers for mercy. “Father, I have a lot of snow to deal with. Could you please help me figure out why this won’t start” (by the way . . . it had been working fine just a day or two before).
So I prayed, tried once again to start the thing, and believing it futile began to apply a shovel to the mounds of snow like one takes a spoon to a bowl of vanilla ice cream.
One minute passed.
Then another.
And another.
And then, much to my joy, an angel in Carharts drove up in his four-wheel drive pick-up truck. “I just wanted to see if you needed anything this morning,” my dear friend said to me, hiking up the driveway to where I stood. It was then, at that moment, that I deftly pointed a gloved finger at the snow blower. In less than one minute it was up and running and we were off to the races.
So it is that I’m reminded, yet again, how God loves to answer our prayers. Even those that are so seemingly small and insignificant. Indeed, God is magnificent, and very attentive to our every need.
If only I’ll remember that in the really big things of life.
I like the picture you have on your page here, to bad it’s not North Dakota, we don’t have that kind of elavation charge here on the eastern part of the state. It woun’t be hard to keep a stiff upper-lip with these windchills.
Praise the Lord for all his answers! I like the new picture on your site, by the way. Merry Christmas!
Wow, I am trying to picture this scene! Wow. Your reminder that God is involved with us personally is perfectly what I needed to hear. This morning, I prayed as i went into the post office. I asked the Lord to help me be a light, because I knew that it was probably going to be a very grumpy place. Much to my surprise, I walked in, and it was FULL of light. There was a postal worker walking around singing religious Christmas carols, every single worker was smiling, and the people in line for that 45 minutes didn’t even look grumpy. Tons of conversations were going on with the people in line. It was weird, but I met Jesus at the post office today. He is definitely in the business of showing Himself in unexpected ways!
Merry Christmas to you, Christa, Emily & Katie. We will miss having ice cream floats with you this year…so will you have those there? Can you have em in hot coffee?
Just what I needed to hear. Merry Christmas!