He Arrived: A Christmas Poem


He arrived.

In the midst of darkness and sin, the Promised Child of the Ages came to the scene.
Without fanfare.
Quietly . . . on a still night in Palestine.
To ordinary people.
He arrived.

For the brokenhearted and those filled with shame, the Immanuel came to the scene.
A little child . . . a boy.
Testified by the prophets.
Quietly . . . on a still night in Palestine.
To ordinary people.
He arrived.

To those whose hearts swell with longing, God’s Anointed Son came to the scene.
The Almighty God.
Cloaked in flesh.
Quietly . . . on a still night in Palestine.
To ordinary people.
He arrived.

For redemption’s great purpose, Jesus Christ came to the scene.
Savior and Lord.
Born to die.
Died to rise again.
Quietly . . . on a still afternoon in Palestine.
For ordinary people.
He arrived.

For you.

(c) Copyright 2001 by Matthew R. St. John


  1. Doug Tippens says:

    Brother Matthew,
    How many times have I told you we need to publish, publish, publish! I’m on your publishing committee and will get it started if you give me the GREEN light!

    Love you and your family!

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