Behold the Man!

Our world is starving for real men to step up and lead. Not empty-suits, vacant behind the eyes and the ties. Not passive fools whose life ambition is to be nothing more than the sex-starved, beer-crazed baffoons in the average commercial or sitcom. Not the guys who spend their time feeling sorry for themselves and READ MORE

The Power of a Small Group

It may well have been King David’s darkest hour. The security of his kingdom was unraveling around him. His own son, Absalom, was essentially taking over the empire through a bloody coup. People were deserting the king left and right, cursing him everywhere he went. It appeared all was lost, and that David had nothing left. Until READ MORE

Vote “Yes” on Measure 1

I have been asked to weigh in on North Dakota’s upcoming vote regarding Measure 1. Measure 1, as put forward on the ballot, states: . . . . . . . . . . Constitutional Measure No. 1 (Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4009, 2013 Session Laws, Ch. 519) This constitutional measure would create and enact READ MORE

Marriage is Forever

Marriage is forever. Or, at least that is the way it was designed by our Father. Unfortunately, we Americans have a completely different view of this. Marriage in our culture seems about as durable as the purse we carry or the car we drive, so we set it aside and/or change spouses as it seems READ MORE

(At least) 7 Keys to a Dynamic Team

There are plenty more, but let’s focus on seven of them—keys to a dynamic team. First, however, it may be good to define “team.” Perhaps by team we mean your family. You are the mother and you have a husband and three kids. Or, maybe by team we mean your, um, team. You are the READ MORE

To Change the World

Our brief series entitled, Warrior: A Study of Biblical Womanhood,  may be summarized in a simple statement: women are ezer-warriors, to be reckoned with, bearing God’s image, and, called to change the world. It is the final part of this statement that captures our attention today. Esther is a powerful example of a woman who READ MORE