Our sovereign God, who orders the affairs of existence per our good and His glory, welcomes our most robust and faith-filled prayers. READ MORE
A Prayer for Joseph Biden
During this inauguration week, and on behalf of our new president, I offer this important prayer. READ MORE
A Personal Note to Our Seasoned Saints
The following is a personal letter I recently passed along to the hundreds of women and men among our older generations with New Hope Church. It gives a glimpse of a shepherd’s heart, the complexities of our day, and the gift which are our senior saints. Dear Friend, This isn’t your normal church letter. In READ MORE
Slapping Down Those Tiny Devils
In glorious Minnesota, where I live, the days are getting longer, the sun feels warmer, and the birds are singing. Spring is upon us and our beloved land is thawing. But with this warmth also comes the dreaded mosquitos and the ensuing war we wage against each one. Yet this awful flying devil has been READ MORE
Life in the Lowlands
Mountain-top experiences may be exhilarating, but most of life is lived in the lowlands. Certainly that is made clear in the historical accounting of a father and his demonized son, and the various people that are connected with their drama. Read through Mark 9:14 and following for the details: And when they came to the READ MORE
Three Temptations Common to All
In the barren wilderness known as the Jordan Rift the Lord Jesus faced three universal temptations designed to undermine him as a man and corrupt his sense of personal mission. It is likely that he dealt with many other temptations while in this physical wasteland, but these three are recorded, and they do indeed carry READ MORE