Below is a repost of a popular and timely piece I wrote a few short years ago. Perhaps it will encourage you this weekend, too: Someone that I have known for many years told me that she felt afraid as she thinks about the future and what the implications of past sin are for the READ MORE
Romans 10:11
Brutal Honesty
If we are brutally honest, all of us have issues of shame and fear and regret in our lives. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s standard. This reality keeps us from God (Romans 6:23). To what extent are you willing to acknowledge this in your own life? What are the ways READ MORE
Do Not Be Afraid
Someone that I have known for many years told me that she felt afraid as she thinks about the future and what the implications of past sin are for the future. The sin issue that she referenced was abortion. Below is part of what I shared with her, without using her name or particulars, of READ MORE
Redemption and Restoration: Sexual Healing
In attempting to find freedom from any sin and shame cycle, and particularly from sexual sin and shame, some strategic steps must be formulated and pursued, and a beginning point is this very critical truism: A Man or Woman Becomes What He or She Thinks About All Day Long. With this truism locked in our READ MORE