Do Not Be Afraid


Below is a repost of a popular and timely piece I wrote a few short years ago. Perhaps it will encourage you this weekend, too:

Someone that I have known for many years told me that she felt afraid as she thinks about the future and what the implications of past sin are for the future. The sin issue that she referenced was abortion. Below is part of what I shared with her, without using her name or particulars, of course. I pass it on to you because perhaps you are fearful about tomorrow, and worried about past sin. Please be encouraged.

Hi Friend . . . . you need not be afraid. I assume from your concern that you either have someone close to you that has had an abortion, or perhaps you have had one. Please do not be afraid. All of us sinful, messy, broken people find hope and forgiveness through Jesus Christ—you and me included—when we call on him to be our Savior. Romans 10:11 says, “Everyone who believes in Jesus will not be put to shame.” Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

In the Old Testament we read that the Lord “does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities . . . as far as the east is from the west so far does he remove our sins from us” (Psalm 103:10, 12). Isaiah 43:18-19 and 43:25 says, “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. I, I am he, who blots out your sins for my own sake and I will not remember your sins.” When we trust Jesus Christ he makes all things new; taking the bleak wildernesses of our souls and making them to be full with refreshing water, cool and clean.

Jesus’ death on the cross paid for our passage from fear to peace, from shame to honor, from filth to cleanliness, from guilt to forgiveness, and from hopelessness to hope. Then his resurrection from the dead proved that he in fact does have the power and authority to bring this about. When we trust him with our lives we get swept up into all of this wonderful and liberating hope.

I trust this will be helpful and encouraging. Remember the words of Jesus in John 14:27, when he says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.” My friend . . . those words are just for you, too!

Reach out any time. I’m praying God’s peace and joy will be yours in abundance.


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