Just before the Apostle Peter was executed he penned his second letter to the Christ-followers that he so dearly loved, and this letter was full of exhortation regarding things to come and the spirit with which those he loved could await for the Lord’s return. Consider, for example, 2 Peter 3:11-14: Since [Heaven and Earth] are thus to be dissolved, READ MORE
What My Eyes Long For: A Reprise
For the past few months I have deeply embedded myself within the pages of Psalm 119. I love what I’m reading. For too many years I have zipped through it, typically striving to get the Bible read in a year, thereby really flying over some pieces so quickly that I never truly survey what is READ MORE
Camping, Bell, the Rapture and Hell
Awkward. That is the word of the week when it comes to the great reality that Harold Camping’s prediction about the May 21 evacuation was dead on arrival. One can’t help but worry for the hordes of people duped by Camping’s “guarantee” that the rapture would come. And now he’s determined to get it right, READ MORE
Daniel 11 and the Antichrist’s Rule
Daniel 11 presents a sweeping view of the historical realities that dominated the ancient near east in the years between Daniel’s death right up to the years just before the birth of the Messiah. The precision with which Daniel addresses the historical events is amazing, and generally affirmed by historians both secular and theological as READ MORE
Select Thoughts on The Rapture of the Church
You hear about it all over the media right now, and it dominates the conversations of a lot of families, churches and skeptics. The topic? The Rapture of the Church. I personally have preached on this topic, and have lately referenced it through a sermon series I am currently preaching entitled “Memoirs of an Ancient Prophet: READ MORE
Wars and Rumors
I am quite anxious about sounding cliché in putting this post forward, but the reality is I’m not sure how one can look at the events in recent days and not reflect with some measure of pause upon Jesus’ words in places like Luke 21:10 and following. Consider what he says: Nation will rise against READ MORE