From Jesus was are reminded the preference of the world is toward power and subjugation. There is a better way: lifting rather than lording. READ MORE
If Jesus Did Not Rise . . .
The Gospel of John tells of Mary Magdalene who, upon discovering the empty tomb, is panicked by the idea the Lord has been “taken away” (John 20:13). First she deals with Jesus’ death, and now the possibility someone has stolen his body, perhaps as some cheap stunt. Whatever hope she had placed in Jesus seems READ MORE
Three False Narratives within Today’s Church
Jesus stands as the standard of all truth against whom all false narratives are measured, and by which they fall. READ MORE
Further Thoughts on My Greatest Leadership Challenge
I have given expression to my greatest leadership challenge before–leading myself, and it is a dynamic that I continue to want to steward well. With that in mind, consider these thoughts rooted in a recent reading of John the Baptist’s simple words in John 3:30, where he declares, “He (that is, Jesus) must increase, but READ MORE
“Walk By the Spirit!”
As the Apostle Paul brings closure to his thoughts regarding love being supreme over and above the fleshly extremes of license and law, he raises a tension regarding how to ensure this love will prevail. Galatians 5:16 and following resolve this tension with profound clarity, and the resolution is the antithesis of self-effort. “Walk by READ MORE
Three Temptations Common to All
In the barren wilderness known as the Jordan Rift the Lord Jesus faced three universal temptations designed to undermine him as a man and corrupt his sense of personal mission. It is likely that he dealt with many other temptations while in this physical wasteland, but these three are recorded, and they do indeed carry READ MORE